Scene-Stealing/Ravir la Scène
Thursday, October 25 at 7:00 p.m.
Athens-Clarke County Library
Book Discussion with Dr. Sujata Iyengar on Mama Day by Gloria Naylor
Monday, October 29
French Team arrives
Tuesday October 30
8.30am: Visit to Dr. Iyengar's "Shakespeare in the Classroom" Class, usually at Hilsman Middle School, but today in the auditorium of Cedar Shoals High School.
Activity: Program comprising screening of a very short film, “The Stranger’s Case,” about Shakespeare and refugees, before brief talks from professors and graduate students, followed by Q&A for Hilsman eighth-graders and their teachers. Topics covered include Shakespeare’s theatre as a locus for urgent and culturally responsive dramatizations of the time; Diasporic Theatre in twenty-first-century France, the US, and the UK; and the role of theatre and performance in discussions of citizenship, immigration, and civil rights.
Program Details
Screening (2min20s): “The Stranger’s Case”(Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and the International Rescue Fund): https://www.rescue-uk.org/video/strangers-case-shakespeares-rallying-cry-humanity
Short (5-8 minute) talks (titles and order may be changed)
Sujata Iyengar, “Shakespeare as a global language”
Florence March: “Why Theatre Matters, now and in Shakespeare’s time”
Nora Galland: “How Shakespeare makes “The Stranger’s Case” in Othello”
Gaoussou Fofana: “Why I want to found a Shakespeare company in Mali”
Charlène Cruxent: “The Multilingual Shakespeare Project”
5-minute break to distribute index cards
Talkback/Question-and-answer (20 minutes)
Facilitated by 8thgrade teachers, Dr. Iyengar, and UGA students
Assessment (5 minutes)
Assessment is integrated into reflection. Everybody gets another index card and is asked to write ONE SENTENCE about what they’ve just learned. The question cards and the sentences can be used to fuel students’ future research assignments or discussions.
Follow-up: Reflective writing assignments and research on theatre, refugees, citizenship, languages, as the 8thgraders want, with UGA students in ELA/ELT over the next month.
Afternoon: Work Session
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m: Screening of Daughters of the Dust, dir. Julie Dash
Introduction by Kim Waters, PhD Candidate in Linguistics at UGA
Wednesday, October 31
Henry V Work Day with Scalar Workshop in UGA DigiLab
Hallowe'en FrankenReading