Conference Schedule
Thursday, November 1
Panel 1: Latin as Lingua Franca and Code
Time and Location: 10:00 a.m. Special Collections Libraries, Room 268
Chair: Philip Gilreath (University of Georgia)
“[W]ords have several works”: The Aesthetic Freight of Latin Argot in The Spanish Tragedy (Sam McCracken, University of Georgia)
The Ambassador’s Tongue: Multilingual Conversations on the Early Modern Stage (Nathalie Rivère de Carles, Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès)
11am: TBC: Coffee Break, sponsored by the Department of English
12pm: Lunch on Your Own
Plenary 1: Shakespeare as the Other’s Language in Films and TV Shows (Sarah Hatchuel, UPVM3)
Time and Location: 2:00 p.m. Doug Hale Room (Park Hall 265)
Sarah Hatchuel is Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France) and President of the Société Française Shakespeare. She has written extensively on adaptations of Shakespeare's plays and on tv series; she is general co-editor of the CUP Shakespeare on Screen collection and of the online journal TV/Series.
This talk will explore scenes from films and television series in which Shakespeare's 16th-century language is appropriated by ‘freaks’, post-human or alien Others. In such series as Star Trek, Person of Interest or Westworld, Shakespeare’s words become the signs through which machines and robots reveal that they are becoming human or rather that they had always already been human.
Graduate Student and Faculty Networking Reception, sponsored by the University of Georgia Graduate School
Time and Location: 3:00 p.m. Park Hall 261
Friday, November 2
Breakfast, sponsored by the University of Georgia Department of Romance Languages
Time and Location: 9:30 a.m. Gilbert Hall, Room 219
Plenary 2: " ‘I cannot tell wat is dat’: Linguistic Conflict in Shakespeare’s King Henry V” (Jean-Christophe Mayer, UPVM3)
Time and Location: 11:00 a.m. Russell Library, Room 277
Jean-Christophe Mayer is a Research Professor employed by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He is also a member of the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-classical Age and the Enlightenment (IRCL) at Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier. His latest monograph is entitled Shakespeare’s Early Readers: A Cultural History from 1590 to 1800 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018). Since 2017, he is an expert for the European Commission in the field of humanities.
Shakespeare’s King Henry V is often portrayed and staged as a play not only about the glory, but also about the tragedy of war. That such conflicting interpretations came to be so repeatedly attached to the story of how the second English monarch of the House of Lancaster invaded France and won the battle of Agincourt during the Hundred Years’ War in 1415 can be explained especially in the light of the play’s textual and linguistic make-up. Indeed, and as I shall argue, Shakespeare’s history play is unique in the way that it is a linguistically troubled and conflicted piece of writing. As one of its most recent editors put it, “No play of Shakespeare’s makes so much use of differences in language and has more language barriers”. As I aim to demonstrate, the play is much more than an Anglo-French confrontation seen from an English angle. It anatomises the concept of nationhood: it is slippery, ambivalent, and fluid on the one hand and jingoistic and rigid on the other. Henry V is ideal when it comes to studying scenes in the other’s language, as well as otherness and alterity. The two scenes I shall mainly focus on in my talk– the scene almost entirely in French (3.5.), during which Princess Katherine of France tries to learn a few rudiments of English from her servant Alice, and the wooing scene between Henry V and the Princess where Alice acts partly as an interpreter between the two (5.2) – exploit and expose linguistic and cultural faultlines. Both scenes encapsulate many of the issues of the play at large. Moreover, while questioning the idea of foreignness through specific linguistic interplay, they challenge the very notion of Shakespearean scenic division in theatrically productive ways.
Lunch Break—lunch on your own, but please join us for the Women's Studies Program Friday Speaker Series featuring Cynthia Turner Camp, UGA English Department, and her talk “A Murdering, if Penitent, Philandress: Queen Elfthryth’s Reputation at Wherwell Abbey” at 12:20pm in the Miller Learning Center, 214.
Panel 2: Shakespeare in Multiple Languages and Registers
Time and Location: 2:30 p.m., Special Collections Libraries, Room 277
Chair: Mikaela LaFave (University of Georgia)
Armado or the Other speaking the Native’s Language: Racializing the Spaniard in Love’s Labour’s Lost (Nora Galland, UPVM3)
What’s In a [Foreign] Name?: Playing on Romance Languages Names in Shakespeare’s Plays (Charlène Cruxent, UPVM3)
Languages of Love: The Multilingual Shakespeare Project’s Love’s Labour’s Lost (Jennifer Flaherty, Georgia College & State University)
4:30 (20-45-minute drop-ins suggested), Performance (on loop): Hugh Hodgson School of Music, Dancz Center Room 264
5:30-6:00 p.m. Symposium: Rosetta Theatre Project, Dancz Center for New Music, Hugh Hodgson School of Music, Room 264
Saturday, November 3
Panel 3: Speech as Silence and Song
Time and Location: 10:00 a.m. Athens-Clarke County Library Auditorium
Chair: Nick Ciavarra (University of Georgia)
Props and Prostheses: Lavinia, the “speechless complainer” (Philip Gilreath, UGA)
Titus Andronicus and the Critique of Latinitas (Miriam Jacobson, UGA)
The Lady Speaks: Speech as Silence in 1 Henry IV (Erin DeYoung, SSU and other institutions)
Snacks courtesy of the Athens-Clarke County Friends of the Library
Roundtable 1: Shakespeare While Black
Time and Location: 12.30 p.m. Athens-Clarke County Library Auditorium
Chair: Dr. Jessica Walker, University of North Georgia
Alexander Holcey, Deja Watkins, Fatina Frayall
Students from Savannah State University, in conversation with Dr. Jessica Walker of the University of North Georgia, will speak about their experiences studying Shakespeare at Savannah State.
Roundtable 2: Magical Language: Gloria Naylor, Shakespeare, and the Barrier Islands
Time and Location: 2:00 p.m. Athens-Clarke County Library Auditorium
Chair: Sujata Iyengar
Ruth Morse (Paris-Sorbonne-Cité), Melissa Cooper (Rutgers), Kim Waters (UGA)
Join us for a roundtable discussion of Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day and the history of the Sapelo Islands in Georgia. Members of the roundtable are Dr. Ruth Morse, professeur des universités at Paris-Sorbonne-Cité (Diderot) and Dr. Melissa Cooper, an assistant professor history at Rutgers University – Newark and author of the new book Making Gullah: A History of Sapelo Islanders, Race, and the American Imagination, and Kim Waters, PhD student in Linguistics, University of Georgia, in conversation with Dr. Sujata Iyengar from the University of Georgia’s Department of English.
Light refreshments, courtesy of the Athens-Clarke County Friends of the Library
Time and Location: 4:00 p.m. Athens-Clarke County Library