Gullah-Geechee Culture – Related Topics List
Kim Waters, University of Georgia
Non-fiction: Anthropology, Biography, History, Language, Linguistics, Memoire, Oral History, Sociology
De Nyew Testament (New Testament in Gullah) – American Bible Society
Drums and Shadows: Survival Studies among the Georgia Coastal Negros (Georgia Writer’s
Austin, Allan D. African Muslims in Antebellum America
Bailey, Cornelia Walker, et al. God, Dr. Buzzard, and the Bolito Man
Ball, Edward. Slaves in the Family
Baptist, Edward E., The Half has Never Been Told
Black, J. Gary. My Friend the Gullah: A Collection of Personal Experiences
Branch, Muriel Miller. The Water Brought Us: The Story of the Gullah-speaking People
Burton, Orville Vernon et al. Penn Center: A History Preserved
Campbell, Emory. Gullah Cultural Legacies: A Sybopsis of Gullah Traditions, Customary
Beliefs, Art Forms and Speech on Hilton Head Island
Carney, Judith A. Black Rice: The African Origins of Rice Cultivation in the Americas
Creel, Margaret. A Peculiar People: Slave Religion and Community-Culture among the Gullahs
Crook, Ray, et al. Sapelo Voices: Historical Anthropology and the Oral Traditions of Gullah-
Geechee Communities on Sapelo Island, Georgia
Cross, Wilbur. Gullah Culture in America
DuBois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk
Geraty, Virginia Mixon. Gullah Fuh Oonuh/Gullah for You: A Guide to the Gullah Language
Harrison, K. David. The Last Speakers: The Quest to Save the World’s Most Endangered Languages
Harrison, K. David. When Languages Die: The Extinction of the World’s Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge
Hurmence, Belinda (ed.). Before Freedom: When I Just Can Remember
Johnson, Michele Nicole. Sapelo Island’s Hog Hammock (Images of America series)
Jones-Jackson, Patricia. When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands
Joyner, Charles. Down by the Riverside: A South Carolina Slave Community
Mahon, John K. History of the Second Seminole War 1835-1842
Malinowski, Bronislaw. Magic, Science, and Religion and Other Essays
Montgomery, Michael. The Crucible of Carolina: Essays in the Development of Gullah Language and Culture
Mufwene, Salikoko S. (ed.). Africanisms in Afro-American Language Varieties
McFeely, William. Sapelo’s People: A Long Walk into Freedom
Neale-Hurston, Zora, Barracoon
Nettle, Daniel, et al. Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World’s Languages
Pollitzer, William S., et al. The Gullah People and their African Heritage
Sullivan, Buddy. Sapelo Island (Images of America series)
Turner, Lorenzo Dow. Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect
Wood, Peter H. Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the Stono Rebellion
Woofster, Jr., T.J. Black Yeomanry: Life on St. Helena Island
Art, drama, fiction, folklore, foodways, poetry, song
Witness: The Art of Jerry Pinkney (Norman Rockwell Museum)
Allen, William Francis, et al. Slave Songs of the United States
Beyoncé, Love Drought (from Lemonade)
Dash, Julie. Daughters of the Dust
Geraty, Virginia Mixon. Bittle en’ T’ing: Gullah Cooking with Maum Chrish’
Gonzales, Ambrose Elliott. The Black Border: Gullah Stories of the Carolina Coast
Hamilton, Virginia. The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales
Jaquith, Priscilla. Bo Rabbit Smart for True: Folktales from the Gullah
Jones, Jr., Charles Colcock, et al. Gullah Folktales from the Georgia Coast
Killhour, Will. Gullah Animal Tales from Dafuskie Island
Pinckney, Roger. Blue Roots: African-American Folk Magic of the Gullah People
Zepke, Terrance. Lowcountry Voodoo: Beginner’s Guide to Tales, Spells, and Boo Hags
Film & Film-Makers (L.A. Rebellion)
Charles Burnett
Julie Dash
Zeinabu Irene Davis
Alile Sharon Larkin
Haile Gerima
Bernard Nicholas
Billy Woodberry
Films by Julie Dash
Daughters of the Dust
Four Women
Diary of an African Nun